This review is from: Panasonic RP-HC250 Noise Cancelling Headphones
I would rank the headphones performance as fair when compared to others.
I have had my pair for 2 years now with out any problem.
No volume control and the headphones not working without
the battery were my 2 biggest complaints.
Since dropping them from 4 feet onto a hard surface, my newest complaint
is cheap plastic, although its hard to fault the headphones
for my own clumsiness. Be gentle with them is my caution....
This review is from: Panasonic RP-HC250 Noise Cancelling Headphones
I have just recently purchased a pair of these headphones. This, after a couple of months drooling over a co-worker's pair of BOSE. I found I could nit afford the $300 the Bose cost, and secided to take a risk with the Panasonic set instead.
I could not be happier....
This review is from: Panasonic RP-HC250 Noise Cancelling Headphones
I was very happy with the headphones for a month. I unpacked them one day and the right plastic pivot had broken although they were stored properly in their protective case. No luck getting them fixed or replaced under warranty. They may sound as good as Bose headphones but not near the quality. You get what you pay for. Be gentle with them and you should be alright.
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