The SupraPlus brings new standards in all-day comfort and reliability to telephone professionals.
Enhanced receive-side audio quality, intelligent flexible boom and stylish design provide greater headset flexibility.
Must be used with a Plantronics USB-to-headset adapter or headset amplifier.
Plantronics offers monaural or binaural versions with either voice tube or noise-canceling microphones.
Sold by the each
Call Center Headsets, Plantronics, Supraplus Binaural Noise Cancelling Headset, H261N
This review is from: Plantronics HW261N Binaural Headset
I bought this headset through my call center - provide tech support for a major ISP - 12 years. The Plantronics H261N is much More Comfortable than any monaural headset I've used. Because it's Binaural, you can change positions and alternate ears during a long day on the phone. About the Other reviewer's Comment - Needed to Adjust the Mic Closer To Mouth - Sure, JUST LIKE ANY HEADSET MIC that's Noise Cancelling! My regular customers commented on how much more CLEAR I sound compared to the previous headset. Regardless of what stores tell you, MSRP is actually $94.99 (Not Over $100.00 advertised some places) and they can be had for less than $70.00 Retail - Dealer Cost is about $45.00 plus Shipping for one - a little less for more....
This review is from: Plantronics HW261N Binaural Headset
The ad for these plantronics headphones is totally deceptive - you MUST buy the expensive adapters either for USB, your cordless or regular desk phone. Each of these three items is separate even though they are all "quick release". Buyer beware! You can't use these headphones without these adapters....
This review is from: Plantronics HW261N Binaural Headset
Function very well as described except the volumne is kind of low, I need to 'twist' or bend a little of the microphone in order to have lounder, clearer volumn on the other end. You also need to speak a bit lounder than usual. Otherwise, the receiving end will have a very weak, low voice volumn. The headset itself is very comfortable. Note: you need to purchase the amp adaptor to connect to a regular corded phone....
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