Active Noice Cancellation
10 Microphones; 8 for capturing noise and 2 for capturing speech in noisy surroundings
Wide compatibility, can be used with any compatibile mobile phone or music player, wired or wirelessly
Active Noice Cancellation. 10 Microphones; 8 for capturing noise and 2 for capturing speech in noisy surroundings.Wide compatibility, can be used with any compatibile mobile phone or music player, wired or wirelessly.
This review is from: Nokia Bluetooth Stereo Headset BH-905
I've been using the Nokia BH905's daily at work for over three months and spent enough quality time with them to post an honest review. I practically live in a noisy computer lab eight or more hours a day and noise canceling headphones was a mandatory check box in my purchasing decision, wireless was another. I was constantly catching and breaking the audio cable on my Sennheiser PXC 250's and JVC HA-NC250's while moving around the lab.
First of all, I really like the Nokia BH905's. They work well with my Blackberry Bold for music and phone conversations, and all of the control functions on the headset work. I also have an application that reads my email over Bluetooth which is a nice convenience. It's too bad that a Blackberry app doesn't exist that can read the caller ID or I'd really have it made! Noise cancellation is awesome, the best I've ever had in a pair of NC headphones, but unfortunately it does nothing to help the person at the other end of the phone hear me better in a noisy environment. That really isn't a big deal, I can step out of the lab easy enough.
The BH905's come with a nice leather storage case complete with battery charger (for the non replaceable battery inside the headphones), an audio cable for corded connections, and just about every kind of adapter you could possibly need. No point elaborating much further on this.
Now as much as I like these headphones, I do have a few complaints. For one they look really dorky on your head. It's like the headband was designed around a piece of cauliflower. If you have a cauliflower head then your in luck! But for the rest of us, well...we look ridiculous wearing these headphones. And because the headband bows out so much, they weren't staying on my head very well. I wrapped a couple of black Velcro strips around the top of the headband with the poky side facing outward. This makes them stick to my hair which helps a lot.; your mileage may vary. Still, they are very comfortable to me, and I can wear them all day long.
Another complaint I have is the sound. Mids and high's are great but bass is noticeably lacking. These are not audiophile headphone like Nokia makes them out to be in their advertising videos. If you've seen these videos you know what I am talking about. I've tried increasing the bass a few db's on some of my music but the headphones just made the music sound distorted or unnatural. According to Nokia's specs, the low frequency range is 15Hz. I tested their claim by generating a 15hz MP3 file with Goldwave and BH905's could not reproduce it at all. I'd say that the low end is more like 80-100Hz. In comparison, my Sennheiser's and JVC's can reproduce the 15Hz sound file. Sound quality is the same whether a wired or wireless connection is used.
One final complaint I have is the price. $150 is an excellent price, $200 is a fair price, anything more than that is too much. At the moment the BH905's don't have any real competition. Sure there are cheaper headphones with similar features but they're not the same quality. Until someone comes out with something that is more-better-cheaper than I'd say that the BH905's are the best you can get right now.
The bottom line is that I am reasonably happy with them, I can't imagine not having them (at work), but they could be so much better....
This review is from: Nokia Bluetooth Stereo Headset BH-905
I've been keeping my eyes out for high-quality A2DP headsets that would allow me to cut the cord to my iPhone and provide high-quality audio. It's a tough find; few of the good noise-reduction sets support Bluetooth, and few of the Bluetooth sets provide high-quality sound. After some research, I decided this was the best on the market (in fall of 2009).
Pros: Comfortable, great noise reduction (wonderful on an airplane), excellent sound over A2DP bluetooth, iPhone 3GS range is impressive - over 30 feet with no sputtering, kit includes all kinds of wired connections if you choose to not use Bluetooth, nice leather case.
Cons: Bluetooth call quality might be better. Some said I sounded like I was in a tunnel. Expensive.
Overall: Not perfect, but the best the market has to offer if you want high-quality, bluetooth audio with noise reduction....
This review is from: Nokia Bluetooth Stereo Headset BH-905
I have been using the Nokia BH-905 every day for about 9 months and many different situations and setups, here you are my experiences. This is probably longer than a usual review, but I haven't found a good thorough review about the BH-905 on the net, so here it is.
Nokia E63 phone + Nokia BH-905 (daily usage):
Bluetooth connection: good sound quality both as headset and music listening. BH-905 buttons control all functionality.
Wired connection: good sound quality both as headset and music listening. BH-905 buttons controls calls, and play/pause/forward/volume, as I would press the buttons on the phone.
Palm Treo 680 phone + Nokia BH-905 (I tried, but didn't use often)
Wired connection: headset mode caused echo at other party, call buttons control call. I didn't try the music. 3.5 - 2.5 headset adapter needed.
Bluetooth connection: headset mode was reduced volume, but no echo. The bluetooth menu is a pain to use on my treo, and it only has Bluetooth 1.1, so limited. I didn't try music.
Dell D620 and E4310 laptop Windows 7 + Nokia BH-905:
Wired connection: stereo 3.5 converter needed to convert the headset cable into audio cable (if you are not aware, a 3.5 mm headset cable phyisically fits into a 3.5 mm stereo audio socket, but audio will be distorted without the proper adapter). Good sound quality.
Bluetooth connection: after pairing, the required drivers were installed automatically (default Win7 drivers). Buttons control play/pause/forward/back in most applications.
There are two modes: headset mode and headphone mode. This can be controlled in the Control Panel/Sound menu. Headset mode enables the microphone, but lower audio quality, headphone mode is hifi sound, but no microphone. Play/Pause/Forward/Rewind works in Windows Media Player (but not in VLC player). Sometimes the wireless connection was completely gone after a standby, and my laptop needed to be restarted.
Desktop Computer Win XP with Hama Bluetooth 2.1+EDR USB + Nokia BH-905:
Wired connection: same as above.
Bluetooth: altough I could pair the headset, there were no drivers to enable the headset/headphone modes.
Notes on Bluetooth ...
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