Gold-plated iPhone-compatible slim plug
Soft earpiece in 2 sizes
Offers isolation from ambient noise
Low sound leakage
3.28ft(1.0m) friction noise reduction cord
Soft Marshmallow Headphone
This review is from: JVC HAFX34B Marshmallow Headphones
After reading a couple of negative reviews, I was skeptical, but the positive ones had me intrigued. I am very glad I bought these. They sound wonderful, and are comfortable. Yes, make sure you put them in right. I was pleasantly shocked at the richness of the sound. Great also for being in noisy environments, yard work, etc. One would use these when they don't need to be connected with their surroundings, so don't ride a bike with them--unless you're in the open country, and careful if you jog in the city or on a path that's shared by bikers. All I can say is these sound great on my iPod. The bass is rich, the mid and high ranges are strong and clear. At this price, this is a terrific find. Will be getting at least another pair. They do come with a second set of earbuds, which is nice....
This review is from: JVC HAFX34B Marshmallow Headphones
It would be helpful, although probably not realistic, to get to know more about reviewers who rate audio products. To wit; I really don't care about a review complaining about lack of bass response from one of those individuals who cruise around with their hatch open and the volume up so loud that the bass from their washtub sized subwoofer rattles windows in homes and buildings. Likewise, self proclaimed audiophiles who nit-pick a product based on charts and numbers leave me cold.
In my world there are three issues that are important relative to ear buds. In order of importance they are: (1) comfort (If their not comfortable, I'm not going to wear them no matter how good they sound. My wife gave me a pair of conventional earbuds that sounded great, but after three days of use, my left ear was so sore that I couldn't put them in.), (2) sound quality (Do they deliver a good bass without fuzz or distortion and midrange and high notes without sizzle.), and (3) price (Here's a tip. If the manufacturer offers an "easy payment plan", you can probably find something just as good for a lot less). Based on these criteria, I give the JVC HAFX34 Mashmallow's five stars.
These are the most comfortable ear buds (or for that matter, headphones) that I have ever used. They fit in my ear perfectly and I can wear them as long as I choose without discomfort. I can even sleep with my ear on a pillow while these are still in with no problem.
After reading some negative reviews about these buds sounding tinny, or having a lack of bass response, I immediatly brought up some of the songs I use to evaluate phones. Quite frankly, I was blown away by how good these buds sounded. I listen to music from what I like to think of as the golden years of top 40 music. This includes several genre of music (yeah, it wasn't all rock 'n roll) and artists range from Montovani to Floyd Cramer, and Carl Perkins to U2. One of my favorite bands to use in an evaluation is Creedence Clearwater Revival. In songs like "Run THrough the Jungle" they have a really thumping bass and some really high pitched lead guitar. These buds transfered it all clearly and distinctly, without fuzz or sizzle. I have never heard a background hum (but I can hear my own breathing). A couple of times since I received these FX34's I've found what I thought might be a shortcoming in their performance, only to find that the fault was in the source material (they didn't call them "garage bands" back in the 60,s for no reason) and not in the buds. These buds also seal out any peripheral noises, much like ear plugs do. That would make them dangerous to use around traffic, but great for "zoning out" around the house.
With a price under $20, these are a steal. My only regret is that I couldn't get a case of them.
Well, that's my two cents worth. For me, these are the best bang for the buck around. I realize that one man's drink is another man's poison, but if you're in the market for ear buds, I would give these serious consideration.
This review is from: JVC HAFX34B Marshmallow Headphones
I bought a pair of these in the Denver airport-for quite a bit more than Amazon is charging. The spongy earphones are just like foam hearing protectors so they cancel out airplane noise wonderfully and don't take up more room doing it. I no longer have to crank my Sansa up to dangerous sound levels to hear it above road or airplane noise. I also use them on an electric travel guitar with a pocket rock-it preamp that you can plug 1/8" headphones into.
The earphones have to be squished down like a hearing protector to fit in your ears and then they expand. If you just try to mash them in your ears, they will fall out. I would not recommend these earphones for any kind of athletic activity-if your ears get sweaty they will fall out. I would also not recommend them for bicycling or jogging - they cancel out too much road noise and would leave you not able to hear approaching cars.
Some other reviews complain of tinny sound but I have not experienced that....
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