Exclusive Oval Ear Tips for longterm comfort and excellent sound-isolation & seal
Great Bass Response and clarity from micro-speaker and oval eartip seal
Piano black finish with silver accents
Three sizes of oval eartips (Small, Medium and Large) to achieve the perfect fit
"Snap" carrying pouch & ear-tip cleaner included included
Klipsch Image S2: Concert-Quality Sound Without the Concert Price Cheaper than a standard concert ticket, Image S2 in ear headphones let you go "live on stage" with your favorite artists anytime, anywhere. Plus, they’re so comfortable you’ll never get tired of wearing them. Precise, comfortable fit for long-term wear Superior noise-isolating design Delivers smooth sound with great bass Durable, built-in strain relief Works with iPod, iPhone and other MP3 devices These extremely affordable, sound isolating earphones go above and beyond what you’d expect from the stock earbuds that come with your MP3 player or music phone.
In fact, you’ll find Klipsch in ear headphones are far superior to other brands—delivering unequaled comfort, noise isolation, musical accuracy and bass. Furthermore, Klipsch has managed to take its decades of research and development experience to value engineer the Image S2, while staying true to its audiophile heritage.
Amazing Comfort and Fit
Made just for you, the Image S2’s exclusive soft and flexible oval ear tips naturally fit the contours of your ear canals, providing comfortable long-term wear as well as producing a perfect acoustic seal. A good seal minimizes outside noise, also known as noise isolation, and allows you to enjoy your music at lower, safer volumes.
These headphones come with three different sizes of washable ear tips: small, medium and large single flange designs. So light and narrow, they are almost impossible to feel inside your ears.
Premium Sound
At the heart of every Klipsch product is over 60 years of audio expertise beating strong. Our commitment to no-compromise performance has made us the preferred choice of top cinema operators, a leader in stereo and home theater sound and now a premium name in headphones.
The Image S2 delivers strikingly realistic sound through the use of a single, moving coil driver (or mini speaker) per channel. These drivers cover a wide frequency range with dynamic detail. From heart-pounding bass to spine-tingling guitar riffs, you won’t miss a beat.
Added Frills
Available in a beautiful piano black finish, the Image S2 makes quite a fashion statement. It carries a two-year warranty and works with the iPod, iPhone and other portable devices that feature a standard 3.5mm headphone jack. A cloth “Snap tite” carrying pouch is also included in the purchase.
Helpful Hints
How do I know if I have a good seal?
When no music is playing, your voice should sound louder and ambient noise should sound quieter, very similar to wearing a pair of ear plugs. Creating a tighter seal is simple. Insert the ear tip (while connected to the nozzle) into the ear canal, gently rotate it left and right and then slightly pull it back. This adjustment eliminates virtually all external noise so you can play your music at a lower volume, for a longer period of time, without experiencing ear fatigue.
Why am I not getting enough bass response?
It’s probably because you don’t have a good ear seal. Be sure to try out the various ear tip sizes. You may also want to try pulling the ear tip out slightly, as it may have collapsed.
Why are Image ear gels oval-shaped instead of round?
When Klipsch started studying three-dimensional ear impressions, it was discovered that nearly everyone has an oval-shaped ear canal. The company couldn’t believe that no one else had yet considered the anatomical shape of the ear canal when designing in-ear headphones. Aside from their comfort value, our oval ear tips load quickly and easily into the ear canals
as well as virtually disappear from view.
This review is from: Klipsch Image S2 Comfort-Fit Noise-Isolating Earphones
I bought these because I lose/break in-ears like changing socks. Well, eventually I lost them after having them for only a few months, but they made such an impression that I had to buy them again.
-By far the most comfortable in ears I've ever had. This was probably the number one factor in my buying them again. After the initial break-in period, I found that bass response was adequate, but not overwhelming. Mids were clear and the highs were defined without getting 'tingy'. All in all, if you're looking for a well balanced sounding set of in-ears, these are the best for this price. I'd even go so far as to say they give a fair challenge to in-ears twice the price.
-Sound isolation is almost to the point of sound cancellation. Being a college student, I study religiously. I found it's almost impossible to find quiet places, so having these in-ears are a blessing!
-The left ear and right ear cords are the same length. The last couple in-ears I've owned had that weird feature where the left ear cord is shorter than the right cord. I guess it kinda makes sense, you're supposed to loop the right earphone around the back of your neck yada yada - I just don't care for it. I like them the same length, so thank you Klipsch!
-The cord, connections, and earpieces [seem] a little on the flimsy side though they never broke, warped, or spontaneously combusted. Compared to the high-end in-ears I've used on stage, there is a noticeable difference in the quality of the cord and the construction of the earpieces. This is what dropped the product down a star.
-Not so much a con, but a warning. Due to the sound isolation, be careful using these in circumstances where it would be wise to have your hearing (i.e. biking, driving, gorgeous girl trying to get your attention)
-Cord noise. This is kind of normal and more of a con for pretty much all in-ears, but it's like the whole connecting two cans with a string - though I realize the current generation of kids may have absolutely no idea why people would do such a thing. Basically, friction with the cord causes noise to travel into the earpieces.
Worth noting
-I'm sure you've seen the $200+ in-ears and wondered,"Man, I'm sure those sound even better." I would say, not necessarily. Unless you're rocking full sound quality as in uncompressed, unadulterated, straight up tracks from the studio hard drive; the more expensive the headphones, the more unforgiving they are with lower quality tracks. So for a casual listener not insisting on 256kbps as a minimum threshold for sound quality, these are actually the best bet.
Bottom line
These are a great pair of balanced sounding in-ears and I would highly recommend them....
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