Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Sennheiser CX 680 Sports Earbuds with Volume Control and Earfin Holdi

Sweat and water resistant

Eafin holding system provides a secure fit during workouts

High-output drivers for energizing sound

DuPont Kevlar reinforced cable for unmatched sound

Generous 2-year guarantee

We partnered with Adidas on ergonomic design for a precise and comfortable fit. A unique moisture-resistant materials wicks away sweat and rain. Dynamic Sennheiser transducers deliver true sound performance. Designed for extreme movement. Flexible materials absorb shocks and strain. Short cable ideal for use with MP3 armbands.

This review is from: Sennheiser CX 680 Sports Earbuds with Volume Control and Earfin Holding System

I have been on a quest for a new pair of earphones for weeks. I have spent countless hours reading hundreds of reviews on various models. My main criteria (in order of importance) were: 1) Don't fall out when doing strenuous exercise like running, 2) Won't cease functioning or experience a decrease in functionality due to sweating (I sweat profusely when exercising, e.g., my clothes are normally drenched after an hour of cardio), 3) Comfort, 4) Price, 5) Sound quality, and 6) Appearance/Style.

Based on all that I read, I decided that the new Adidas-branded Sports line from Sennheiser might be the best option for me, so I splurged, got the CX680 at a big box store, and decided to test them since I knew I could return them for a full refund within 30 days if not satisfied. If I liked them I knew I could purchase online for 25-30% less. Note that I prefer the in-ear design, but was also considering the neckband design of the PMX680 as an alternate. However, I was hoping to find one pair that I could use for cardio, weightlifting, leisure, and travel.

First, I will explain what comes in the package. You get:

(1) SYMMETRICAL earphones with a 30" cord and a straight jack

(2) a 24" extender with a volume control on one end and an "L" jack on the other

(3) a Velcro carrying pouch

(4) 3 sets (S,M,L) of earfins, 1 set of M covers w/o fins, and 3 sets (S,M,L) of earbud covers

(5) a clip

(6) a cleaning tool

My assessment of each of these components:

(1) Short Cord: Used w/o the extender, the earphones are best worn using an armband (either arm is fine due to the symmetrical cord) with the cord clipped to the shirt on whatever side the armband is to reduce tension on the opposite side earbud. I ran for 1.5 hours last night with the cord clipped this way to the collar of a T-shirt. It stayed in place the entire time and was completely unobtrusive.

(2) Extender: The volume control is very light and can be clipped to the band of your shorts w/o adding noticeable weight. With my iPod Nano clipped to one side, the volume control on the other, and the cord beneath my shirt, there was some cord slack (I'm 5'8"), but the movement was not excessive and not disruptive. The wheel of the volume control has a slight resistance to it so that you won't mistakenly blast out your eardrums while adjusting it.

(3) Pouch: The pouch is good quality and roomy enough to hold the earbuds and a small music player. However, the cords do tend to become entangled easily.

(4) Earbuds/Earfins: With some trial and error I was able to find the right combination of fin and earbud that fit comfortably and didn't fall out with movement or sweat. I've had more difficulty finding the correct fit for my L ear, but even during a 1.5 hour run I only had to adjust the bud once b/c the fin had moved (Note that the earbud itself was still firmly sealed).

(5) Clip: As mentioned above, the clip work great when attached to a collar and probably would also with a hem. I tried to use it in the middle of my shirt and it simply fell off. There's a groove on the top that seemingly is supposed to hold the wire but it does not; you simply have to clip the wire along with the clothing.

(6) I have yet to use the cleaning tool.

Now on to how the CX680 ranks using my criteria.

(1) Fit & Staying Power, 5/5: These things stay put. I've had the stock earbuds which do not fit my ears well, fall out with movement or sweat, and sound crappy. I would imagine that most people should be able to find an earfin/earbud combination that fits them well. I like that this product is customizable rather than one-size-fits-all.

(2) Sweat Resistance, 5/5: More than any other pair of earbuds I've owned, these seem to be unaffected by sweating. They do not loosen when sweat is in the ears and their rubberized materials seem especially sweat "proof". I have not yet tried to put them in water. I would hope that these do not as easily succumb to the issues common with other earphones that seem less sturdy/durable. Even if they do fail at some point, at least with Sennheiser you have their 2 year warranty (another reason I chose these over something with only a 90 day warranty).

(3) Comfort, 5/5: I don't even notice I've wearing them.

(4) Price, 3/5: These certainly are not the cheapest earphones on the market, but they are new and will likely come down in price. The cheapest I've found is $70 online with free shipping. I would highly recommend buying them locally, seeing if they work for you, and then returning them and buying them for cheaper online. If you've got something that works for you now, I'd say wait for the price to drop on these. If money is no concern, just buy them!

(5) Sound quality, 3/5: I'm not an audiophile and I didn't get these b/c I wanted the best sounding buds, and they're not. I listen exclusively to electronic music and they're OK, but slightly lacking in bass. Not sure if "tinny" or "muddy" are the correct terms, but I've thought that my music sounded better with JBuds J2s (but they would fall out when I'd sweat and shorted out after a year), with Acoustibuds attached to stock earbuds (these sound great and actually stay pretty well during movement and sweating but they're bulky, have to be twisted into the ear canal, and it's challenging to find the sweet spot as far as the "best" position for maximum effect), or with over-the-head models (these offend my sense of fashion). The CX680s are not bad, just not the greatest sounding, but I'm willing to sacrifice on music quality to eliminate them moving around, falling out, or breaking b/c of sweat damage.

(6) Appearance, 4/5: I don't know why Sennheiser thinks it necessary to make their Sports lines in bright, obnoxious colors (neon green, orange, and now yellow), instead of more muted grays, blacks, or whites, but these are OK. I'm not using them to win any fashion contests, and they're more appealing, IMO, than the neckband, over-the-ears, or over-the-head models.

In summar...

This review is from: Sennheiser CX 680 Sports Earbuds with Volume Control and Earfin Holding System

PROS: moisture resistant, excellent sound (after 'treble reducer' eq and removing earfins so they would fit correctly in my ear), great stability.

CONS: awkward cord lengths (comes w/ very long ...

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