Soft Silicon Rubber Air Cushions
8.5 mm Neodymium driver
Friction Noise Reduction Cord
iphone / ipod compatible slim plug
Cord Clip included
3.94-Ft Friction Noise-Reduction Cord
Comfortable and Secure-Fitting Air-Cushioned Silicone Body
Gold-Plated iPod/Iphone-Compatible Plug
Sensitivity: 101 Db/1Mw
Air Cushion Headphone
This review is from: JVC HAFX67B Air Cushion Headphone (Black)
My wife and I both use HAFX66 buds with our mp3 players/laptop computing.
They are a serious upgrade to the junk headphones Apple ships with their players. The comfort is out of this world.
I have written an extensive review of the 66 already on this site, and I said in that review that JVC has a winning design with the air cushion concept, and that the next step is to build a higher-fidelity version with the same fit design.
The 67 is a step in that direction. It has a slightly larger driver diaphragm than my beloved 66, providing slightly more bass response. I quickly ponied up my 16 bucks to try a pair. They are now at the top of my list of COMFORTABLE sub $20 headsets.
I usually lean toward SQ in headsets, and I own a couple pairs of Etymotics, including the super-isolating hf5s with the mushroom tips. Those are good sounding headphones, better sounding than these JVCs, but they'd better be for a hundred bucks. I don't use them when I'm mowing the lawn--they're too expensive.
These JVCs (and their worthy predecessors) make excellent lawnmowing headphones. They reduce engine noise wonderfully and make music or talk radio pleasant to hear in place of the drone of outdoor power equipment. With so much concern over hearing loss in people using canal phones, you should know that better isolation allows you to listen at lower volumes, and these (when you use the foam tips) do a good job at isolation. I find at the volumes I like to listen, these actually protect my hearing when I'm mowing.
As they've broken in, the sound has improved. You have to let these little drivers loosen up before they sound right, and that takes a while with any set of earbuds. Just keep listening. They are really quite good--and excellent when you consider their bargain basement price. These are not crap headphones. They sound quite good, and given their outstanding comfort, they represent a compelling mix of sound, comfort and value.
Bottom line: These are better than their predecessor, the HAFX66. Still the same awesome comfort, slightly better sound, same CHEAP price. JVC needs to commit to this design with a hi-fi driver in a $30-$45 set of buds. For all those iPod owners out there that can't afford the Ultimate Ears product, the increased comfort of these phones really offsets their less-expensive sound, but leaves me wishing for a step up product with the same ear cushion fit.
JVC: I bought this product the very day I saw it was available.
The day I see an "ear cushion" headphone from you with a hi-fi mission as well as your excellent ear cushion design, I'll buy that too....
This review is from: JVC HAFX67B Air Cushion Headphone (Black)
I've finally updated my original FX67 review to reflect on my current feelings and standings about it.
Throughout the review, you will notice three main sections. A brief description of them are as follows:
Modern Edit: My updated and present review of the FX67 involving my 2nd pair.
Newest Update: This is where my most recent thoughts are about the FX67.
Original Review: My very first unedited and original review of my 1st FX67.
Stress Tests: Tests conducted on the 1st FX67 long after my original review.
I decided to keep the original review for nostalgia sake. And it's also a great contrast to the new one.
And do realize, there is stuff I would change about my original review, but then it wouldn't be original.
~2nd Pair~
Modern Edit:
Let's get this front and center right now. I prefer these over the DBA-02, Pro Golds, PS200, PS210, A151, S4, 9850, FXC80, UHP326, M6, M9, and Vibe. So in a sense, these are the best IEMs I have ever used. Regardless of price or sonic capabilities, everything I've tried against these haven't come close. How is that possible? I'll give you a hint, don't look at the price tag to judge a headphone. Price will most likely determine it's "refinement and superiority in sound", but it says absolutely zero about the presentation or overall sound signature of a headphone. Case in point, this fabulous gem of a headphone by JVC. This IEM is living proof for me that I don't always need extra money to gain the edge.
That said, my quest for the perfect IEM began long ago. And I'll admit right now, my perfect IEM was more in "fitting perfect" than "sounding perfect". Luckily for me, I killed two birds with one stone. But in the past, I tried many different kinds of IEMs. Every time I bought one, something just wouldn't click with me. I would like "this" aspect, but didn't like "that" aspect. Whether it was sound, design, or fit; each IEM I've bought seemed to disappoint me in one way or another. This made IEM shopping a pain for me, and I really didn't look forward to it, even though I really wanted to find the right IEM. And that is the exact reason I am more of a full sized user, besides me liking full sized headphones better. Turns out, my first pair of these impressed me quite a bit. It had excellent comfort, plenty of isolation, solid design and durability, great sound, and it was dirt cheap. Sounds like a winner. But of course, what's budget is budget, and I was on the search again for something better. Too caught up in upgrading to something "better" to smell the roses that just so happened to be right under my nose.
But then came my first review, and it landed here. I praised them greatly and suggested that I liked them better than the Golds, slightly doubting at what I said, because how could I? None the less, I found out these had more positive aspects to them than any IEM I've tried. Sadly one day, I decided to mod them because I was bored, which resulted in the test you'll find at the bottom of this review. And I'll admit, I didn't buy a second pair right away. I thought, "Well those did quite well, but I guarantee I can find something better. If not, well, I will probably get another pair of these". Turns out, that's when I hit the Phiaton PS200 and PS210 and also the acclaimed Fischer Audio DBA-02. I also had bought a second pair of Pro Golds, as my first pair had a slight disadvantage due to a faulty driver. Now, the fireworks would fly, as I knew I just had to order my second pair of these, just to see how they would stack up against the giants. I'm sorry, but it wasn't even a fight.
DBA-02 was sold. Pro Golds were sold. PS200 was sold. PS210 came the closest, but was also sold. After this incident, I was quite sure that I would never buy another IEM again. Why would I when my satisfaction for this one is through the roof? My point exactly...
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