Hearing Protection with Entertainment Plug-In
Earplug Earbud Headphones
This review is from: 3M E-A-R Buds Earbud Noise Cancelling Headphones
I have purchased two sets of these. They work great for a couple of months, then one channel will drop off and you only get the sound in one ear, then eventually the other channel drops. I think it is partially because the wires are very thin and so whenever they catch on anything it starts to degrade the quality. I like them because they are cooler than headphones and meet the safety requirements of my company, but I hate to purchase a new pair every couple of months....
This review is from: 3M E-A-R Buds Earbud Noise Cancelling Headphones
These are pretty good. The volume control really help, but they don't really get that loud. I use them on my motorcycle, so you really have to get them in your ears pretty good to seal out the wind noise. But overall, pretty good....
This review is from: 3M E-A-R Buds Earbud Noise Cancelling Headphones
I like the way they fit in the ear canal. But, the volume control is the best feature....
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