Premium collapsible mini-headphones
Dynamic closed back design
Optimized for portable audio
Single sided cable eliminate tangles
Up to 90% noise reduction, compact and collapsible. Talk through button lets you communicate with others without having to remove the headphones.
This review is from: Sennheiser PXC 310 Compact Noise-Canceling Travel Headphones (Black)
I also have the px-100,pxc-250,pxc-300. The PXC-310 is nicely built. They are bigger than the other pxc models and sit on the ear. Because of this you get better noise cancellation than the other models. They also come in a case that is just a tiny bit bigger than the case of the pxc-250 and 300. On the plus side, the noise cancellation is built into the earphones rather than an external piece as in the 250 and 300. It also has a volume control built into the earphones. The sound is good with good bass and highs. That being said, when you turn the noise cancellation on, you lose some bass. This was also the case with the pxc-300 but not the 250. However, the 310 still puts out more bass than any of the previous models. The talk through function is handy when someone is speaking to you. All you have to do is press the button on the earphone and it shuts off the music so you can hear via a built in microphone. However, it sounds as though you are under water. It has a very hollow sound, but it is a nice feature. Once again, these earphones, like its predecessors do not play as loud as other headphones but is more than sufficient. Another nice feature is that the earphones still work without the noise cancellation turned on. To be honest, the earphones sound better with the noise cancellation turned off. If you are in a quiet environment, this would be the way to go. All in all they are comfortable,good sounding and nicely built. By the way, i had and returned the Bose QC3. To my ears the 310 are much better sounding....
This review is from: Sennheiser PXC 310 Compact Noise-Canceling Travel Headphones (Black)
I ordered these phones for air travel, to decide between them and the Sennheiser PXC-350s, also noise canceling phones. The 310s sound very good, but the richness of the sound can't compare to the larger 350s, which, unlike the on-the-ear 310s, totally cover your ears. The smaller size of the folding 310s may be a plus for travelers, but the phones also appear to be far less substantial than the 350s. I went for the less expensive, more durable and better sounding 350s, and will put up with stares from fellow passengers who are thinking that I must be a member of the Science Club from the size of my phones. The 450s sounded pretty much identical to the 350s- to me, not worth the extra $100....
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