Convenient standard USB charging (cable included) Receiver with built-in microphone for use with phone (Hands-Free) function
Profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, HFP (1.0), HSP (Ver. 1.1)
Volume adjustment
Bluetooth Version 2.1
Sony DRBT100CX Bluetooth Stereo Earset DRBT100CX/SLV Headsets & Earsets
This review is from: Sony DRBT100CX Ear Bud Style Stereo Bluetooth Headset
OK, understand that I am VERY particular about my gadgets and read tons of reviews before ever purchasing anything... my wife absolutely hates it, but it keeps me from having to return crap. In this case, I spent a good 15 - 20 hours in all researching bluetooth headphones.
I previously owned a pair of the BestBuy brand Insignia headphones which have started to crap out over the past few months. While I am not a super heavy runner, these seemed to stand up to the sweat OK, but rather started having a pairing issue when connecting them to my Iphone... About 1 out of every 20 times I would connect, it would somehow lockup the headphones and I would be unable to get them to pair again until I had let the headphones fully discharge. This became a big problem for me as I would then have to go for about a week w/o my bluetooth headphones every time that they would lock up. That said, it was time for a new pair.
When initially searching for my next set, I was looking at the Motorolla S9's, as these seemed to be intended for people who worked out with their headphones. I was discouraged however by the $99 price tag at the time and the so-so reviews and decided to wait. Upon the S9 HD's releasing, I almost bit the bullet and bought, however continued to hear bad reviews and that ANY sweat whatsoever seemed to break the headphones and warrant a return. This was not the quality that I was looking for and therefore I decided to wait some more.
Next I came across the Plantronics 903. This seemed to be a better contender than the S9's, however still only had so-so reviews and sounded as they may have some similar hardware issues that the S9 suffered from.
Next I started looking at the JayBird JB-200-01, as these are suppose to be nearly waterproof and much more solid than the Motorollas or the Plantronics. That said, they still had a large price tag (much more than the S9 and S9 HD's now) and I began seeing a trend of only so-so audio quality... While I am not expecting a bluetooth headset to match the quality of a standard wired pair, I would like to make sure that I am at least relatively pleased with my $100+ headphones so that I am not looking to replace them in another 6 months. Also, while these headphone look very cool in the pics, I think I would feel somewhat goofy wearing these cyborg like headphones in the gym.
Finally I thought I had found my headphone with the Sony DRBT160AS. These might still be a little goofy looking and some users have said that the back side of these push your ears out very bad.... Still though the reviews seemed to be mostly positive (newegg, amazon, sony, etc). I was just about to order them when I cam across the Sony DRBT100CX/SLV....
The first thing that caught my eye was the great reviews, next to a price that was half of what all of the other headphones I had looked at cost. Previously I had a huge biased against earbud style headphones, however upon purchasing a pair of skull candy headphones a few months back to hold me over, realized how far the earbud has come along. Earbuds now can offer the deep base and 'semi noise canceling' effect that over the ear headphones use to only provide. Additionally, you dont have to worry about having a large uncomfortable plastic piece dangling behind your head when going down for a bench press. One thing that has been a problem for me with earbuds is that I have smaller ear canals, and I would always have to re-push back in the earbud to get the seal to have a good sound... with this pair I was please that it came with 3 different sizes of adapters to fit my ears. The only thing that I was, and still am a bit, weirded out by with this set is that it has the clip with the actual bluetooth adapter on a wire about 24 inches from the headphones themself. This means that you will have to clip these to your shirt or belt area... this almost defeats the purpose of bluetooth headphones, as this means wires hanging down your shirt and the fact that to adjust the volume you have to go to your belt area and not your ear. It is almost like wearing an iPod nano. Still though I decided that this would be the way to go, as everyone seemed very happy with theirs.
Upon receiving them in only a matter of days, i quickly have unboxed these and paired them up with my iPhone with ease. I am tall at 6'3", and I would have preferred about another 6 inches on the wire to the receiver portion of the headphones, as I can just barely stand up straight and not have this tugging down on my ears... anyone taller would deff be annoyed by this. While not an audiophile, the sound is pretty damn good, especially considering the fact that they are fact, I can barely tell that there is any loss of quality. This may be partially to do with the iPhones superior bluetooth, as my previous pair sounded pretty good on the iPhone but sounded pretty crappy on a WinMo phone that I previously used. I cant remember what pair of headphones it was, but one said that it had a very short range and would not suggest it for more than a few feet away... I just forgot my phone in my office and walked out into our warehouse, where at one point I was well over 75 feet away and had several wall in between... I was blown away! My previous set did not give me even a 1/3 of that distance. Now I am not saying everyone will get 75 feet as that seemed odd to me, but I am in an office where I rarely even have a cell connection because there is so much interference in this area.
I am sure that there is plenty more to talk about, and there are several other headphones that I looked at as well, but my overall suggestion is that as long as you are not taller than me (or would just clip this to your shirt top) that this is a great pair of headphones and well worth the money!
Hope this helps someone! Ill update this if I find anything negatives, but for now I am very happy with my purchase....
This review is from: Sony DRBT100CX Ear Bud Style Stereo Bluetooth Headset
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