Around the Ear Active Noise Canceling Headphones
Includes 8GB iPod touch 5th Generation
Patented Award Winning LINX Audio Technology
Hard case, batteries, 1/4" home stereo adapter and dual plane aiplane adapter included
Able Planet's Clear Harmony line of around the head active noise canceling headphones offer the highest quality music and voice reproduction. With Patented LINX Audio Technology embedded, Able Planet's stylish and intelligently designed headphones offer a more full and rich audio experience to consumers with all levels of hearing. LINX Audio filters undesireable sound, reduces distortion, provides maximum speech clarity and restricts electromagnetic interference. Clear Harmony headphones have full sized soft ear cups that swivel for maximum comfort, in-line volume control and an adjustable headband. Additionally, Able Planet's headphones operate as normal headphones when the active noise canceling is turned off or the batteries run out.
This review is from: Clear HarmonyTM Active Noise Canceling Headphones includes Apple® 8GB iPod touch® with purchase
***overall view***
The Clear Harmony Noise cancelling headphone is an OK product that does cancel some noise, but makes some of its own; it has good sound, but not for the price when compared with some other lesser priced models; it has some quality, but not enough to warrant the price it is asking for. Its IPOD lure is a nice gimmick, but I'd rather buy an 32GB ipod and pay for a cheaper headphone that can do just about as much as this headphone can do.
***more detailed review*** Readeat Emptor
I was looking for something to replace my Bose® noise cancelling headphones and did some research on this headphone. It got decent reviews and I'll admit, the IPOD touch sucked me in. Although I know I wasn't getting a Fourth generation, I thought I'd at least get a 3G. NOPE, it's a 2G IPOD touch(I bought this in Sept of 2010, right now, as of Dec 2010, they are now offering a 4G) So, don't let that draw you in to buy this headphone.
Now, for the headphone it worth this price? No...
when one compares it with BOSE®, one can truly see the difference. The reason why I am comparing it with a Bose Noise Cancelling headphone is because some other websites has marketed this as a comparable product to the BOSE and because the Bose runs about as much as this headphone when it is regularly priced @ $299.99
1) Quality
the difference of the materials themselves speak volumes.
The clear Harmony material is flimsy and cheaper just by the feel alone. It is bulkier and it feels really light.
The BOSE was really soft and comfortable and has a soft buttery feel. The Clear Harmony is soft, but not as supple and the plastic parts don't feel as sturdy as the Bose's
I can still live with the flimsy material if that was the ONLY issue...
2) Noise canceling
the noise canceling is subpar when compared with BOSE or even some other cheaper Headphones(my under $60.00 Koss is pretty close to this headphone. If I was to give Bose a 9 on a scale of 1-10, I would give Clear Harmony a 7 and my Koss a 5.5)
It actually creates a little bit of "bzzzzz" sound whenever there would be a pause in the music which is quite annoying. (*update, I emailed the company for some information. They gave me the "manual" and wasn't more helpful than that, but I haven't called them either, which I am not sure if I want to bother).
3) Battery life
Clear Harmony uses 2 AAA batteries. It is pretty good for I've used the regular alkaline batteries. So far, about 10 hours into it and still running. The removing and replacing the battery is a pain the butt, though...
The Bose, on full use, gives me about 19-20hrs worth. The Bose also uses a rechargeable battery ion-lithium it came with, which is nice.
btw, one does not need to use batteries to listen to music. Only when they want to reduce noise. And they can turn it on even if they are not listening to anything and it'll help reduce noise.
Where as the BOSE will be truly quiet within the headphone itself, the Clear Harmony's "bzzzz" sound is even more prone when one is just using the noise canceling feature. Although it is NOT a loud buzzing sound, it is noticeable enough to be annoying...
4)Odds and ends
The cord is really long which I had thought would be a plus because I've always thought the BOSE cord was too short. But now I know why. If I was to walk around, I would have to wrap the cord around once or twice around my arm so I don't trip over things or get "hung" by the cord.
There IS a volume control on the Clear Harmony and NONE on the BOSE.
But the Clear Harmony volume control is bulky and the cords that come out from either end looks to be easily detachable. I wish that they would shrink the volume control to one of those clever invisible ones like you see on some of those ear buds. I am afraid it is only a matter of time that I will accidently trip the cord and either pull out from the volume control or hang myself somewhere...LOL
(the volume control has turned out to be an even more pain in the (_!_) as it is located toward the bottom section of the cord thus giving it an anchor weigh feel. While it isn't HEAVY, it does make a sensitive headed person such as moi, an unbalanced feeling and if one was to wear this headphone for a period of time in a vertical position, they might feel the volume control to feel heavy [it is located on the left side of the headphone]. If one were to use this headphone in a sitting position more often, the volume may not be a problem if it is rested itself. But if you are in a situation where the end to end of the cord are dangling the whole length, you WILL definitely feel the annoyance of the volume control!)
To all headphone making folks out there, having a semi-retractable option for the cords(thus letting us decide how long it needs to be would be ideal!).
The case that it came in is flimsy also, crushable...
I am really disappointed with this product and I now know why they are throwing an IPOD touch in with it, because nobody should pay this high of a price for this particular headphone.
I now wished that I had suck it up and paid an extra $90 for the BOSE....
and last but not least. One of the reasons why I love purchasing from Amazon is because the products that it sells are tax free(most of it, if not all of it, I think). This headphone is being sold as a third party by Amazon from Brookstone. So one will have to pay the tax if Brookstone is in your state.
****updated Dec 2010****
I bought this headphone in Sept of 2010 at the price of $179.99 (on sale). It is regularly priced @ 299.99 (and I've seen it as high as $399.99 + S&H)
At that time, the IPOD offered is a 2G(second generation). Currently, they are offering a 4th Generation.
I am not sure even when offering a 4th generation IPOD is worth paying $299.99 for this...
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