They are ideal hearing protection for practicing music and other excessively loud events requiring protection from hearing damage.
The HP-25 Extreme Isolation Headphone from Direct Sound is a speakerless model that offers hearing protection with a closed-back isolation chamber. The ear cups feature distinctive white lettering. They are ideal hearing protection for practicing music and other excessively loud events requiring protection from hearing damage.
This review is from: Generic Drummer Hearing Protection
I got these because my grandson has a small band and they practice at our house on and off, and in the winter, they have to play inside due to the weather. My room is next to the room where they play, and as I am already hearing impaired, I need to protect what hearing I have left from loud conditions. I got the drummer hearing protection and it works great. I do enjoy the kind of music they play, so I can still hear the music, but, it is toned down so that it is not harmful to my hearing. This makes it easier on all of us. They band can play and all enjoy their music and they don't feel bad about it. After my dad dies last March, who I was a caregiver for, I was asked to move in with my grandson and his family so I would not be alone in another part of the state. But, they were worried about the band playing in the house when necessary and my hearing issue. They were going to try to find another place to play but it would not always be the same place and moving the equipment around every week for band practice was not a good idea. So, I told them not to worry about all that, a pair of good hearing protection would take care of the problem for me.
I know band members who play, or have played, professionally and they said this type of hearing protection is the best, so I got these and am very glad I did. They work great, are a very comfortable, and good a product and price. Best of all, everyone is happy. My grandson and his friends think this grandma really rocks!:-)...
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