Professional,lightweight, over-the-head, single-ear style headset
Noise-canceling mic with flexible boom
Click-stop, over-the-head headband, pillow-soft ear cushion
Use this product with a GN Netcom corded or wireless amplifier
2 -Year manufacturer's warranty ensures this headset is made to last
The GN 2120 Flex Noise-canceling, single-ear headset features a click-stop headband that provides a customized fit. The pillow-soft ear cushion rests gently over the ear and a generous headpad comfortably secures the other end. The advanced noise-canceling electret microphone filters out surrounding sound, so only the speaker's voice is transmitted. That helps you maintain a professional image in your calls and makes it easier to be clearly understood. Use with GN Netcom corded or cordless amplifiers.
This review is from: GN-Netcom GN 2120-NCNOISE CANCELING ( GN 2120-NC )
I've tried many products with noise removal head set for cisci but this one is very good for this job...
This review is from: GN-Netcom GN 2120-NCNOISE CANCELING ( GN 2120-NC )
I now have two of these headsets and love them. They are great for noise cancelling and extremely comfortable.
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