Clear harmony on-ear noise-canceling headphones with linx audiotm
This review is from: Able Planet NC600 Clear Harmony Noise Canceling Headphones with SRS
In a word Awesome. I had been searching for really good Headphones for business travel and came across these. When I took them out of the case I noticed how well built they are and not cheap. They are very comfortable to wear and lightweight. The noise cancellation is top notch (I can't hear anything outside of these headphones). Now the sound, Incredible. Once you flip that SRS switch be prepared for Audio Heaven. The Bass reproduction is amazing and the clarity is very, very nice. Definitely a 5 out of 5. I can see why they were $160 at one time. I have had BOSE Quiet Comfort and these blow those out of the water (especially for the price). If you are looking to get a Excellent pair of Noise Canceling Headphone don't hesitate to pick these up....
This review is from: Able Planet NC600 Clear Harmony Noise Canceling Headphones with SRS
So I read close to 30 different reviews for these headphones before finally deciding to purchase them over others in the same price range, and I got exactly what customers said I would get.
There is definitely a bizarre background white noise...sort of buzzing effect with these, but I seemed to have found a solution...a rather inconvenient solution, but nevertheless, a solution:
If i touch my iPod, the buzzing immediately stops. If I take my hand away, it starts again. The same goes for my computer. If I touch both the top and bottom of my laptop simultaneously, the buzzing stops. If i just touch the top, i.e. my wrists resting on the computer as I type. Pressure seems to make a difference as well. The harder I press, the better the buzzing gets. What's so bizarre about this is that only contact with skin seems to do the trick. I've tried putting anything and everything on my iPod and computer to see if i could remedy the issue without the inconvenience of having to keep direct contact with my iPod and laptop constantly, but nothing but skin works! I don't know if there's some strange chemical or biological reason for this, but I've tried everything from putting wall tacky on my ipod to piling books on top of it. I eventually put the thing on the floor and kept my foot on top of it or let it rest on top of my thigh while I'm working at my computer. Clothing fabric is even an issue with literally NEEDS to be direct skin contact. So strange.
Other than this, you're gonna get exactly what you paid for...maybe a little more. The sound quality is damn fantastic. The bass is shockingly great. The noise canceling isn't stellar, but it definitely makes a huge difference. I can't even imagine what the really high-end BOSE headphones must be like!
I'd say, go ahead and buy these if you're using them for everyday purposes. I use them to work since I have the most absurdly inconsiderate and disrespectful roommates imaginable, an infinite about of work to do, and absolutely debilitating ADHD when it comes to concentration (diagnosed AD/HD inattentive/impulsive type). The headphones make a difference, but don't expect them to silence the world around you. For example, I can no longer hear the endless bouncing clicks of ping-pong balls or the trebel/mid sound of the obnoxiously loud music from the floor below me. I can, however, still very clearly hear slightly-muffled shouting, banging, slamming, etc, and the bass from the music downstairs....
This review is from: Able Planet NC600 Clear Harmony Noise Canceling Headphones with SRS
These head phones can not be beat for the performance they give. Quality is excellent, as is sound quality. They do an awesome job of eliminating droning, background noise, and other annoying low level noise. Just like other headsets they have a slight buzzing when the noise cancellation is on, with the exception being Bose headsets. However, at any level of volume the buzzing disappears. I'm not sure if it is just me or not, but after an hour or so they caused my ears discomfort, though I am slowly getting used to it. After 3 months mine still function perfectly....
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