Colorful earphones with comfort fit
Extended bass
1.2 meter cord with gold plated plug
Limited Lifetime Warranty
Colorful Jawbreakers give you deeper bass than most earphones with a 10mm diver, 16ohm impedance and 20-20,000K range. 1.2 meter cord with gold plated plug. Pick from Black, Green, White, and Pink to add some color and fun to your music. Limited lifetime warranty.
This review is from: Wicked Jaw Breaker WI-2103 (White)
Great ear buds, I love using them for running, excellent lows, decent highs, mids are the only weak point, but are still clear enough that you can hear what's going on. If you're using poor quality mp3s they aren't very forgiving as they attempt to boost the sound quality.
Used largely with Motorola Droid....
This review is from: Wicked Jaw Breaker WI-2103 (White)
Bought this product to be used with my ipod. Was surprised that it came with mic since it wasn't mentioned in the product description. I am totally satisfied with it's performance. I carry my ipod's volume to half and the outside sound is completely gone. My mom has to wave at me to get my I put on my wicked jaw breaker headphones it's just me and my music. Recently got a blackberry and it works well also as a headset. I also do djing and prefer to use it than those huge headphones that cover my ears and cause fatigue....
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