Dual-prong adapter connects your headphone to the in-flight entertainment system
Dual prong adapter connects your headphone to the in-flight entertainment system
This review is from: Maxell AA-I Airline Adapter
I love this adapter. I can enjoy airline movies without having to spend five bucks buying the headphones I can't use anywhere else except on oither airplanes. On international flights, headphones are free but I still prefer using my own in-ear headphones with the adapter. The only problem is, the adapter is so small, I lost three of them already. But that's not the adapter's fault....
This review is from: Maxell AA-I Airline Adapter
I just flew Contintenal from NJ to SF and this was great! I used my noise canceling headphones and was very pleased not to have to use the ear hurting airline torture devices! Fabulous!...
This review is from: Maxell AA-I Airline Adapter
I bought this adapter on a whim a few days before some international travel. I didn't expect to use it as I haven't seen a dual headphone jack on an airliner for years. The first leg of my travel was a 14 hour flight, and sure enough, dual headphone jacks.
Having the adapter saved me, I was able to use my Bose over-ear headphones and avoid the bad sound and discomfort of the in-flight headphones. This airline had movies on demand in the seatback and I ended up watching five movies in total pleasure....
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