High Quality
Extreme Comfort
Includes airplane adaptor, carry pouch, neckstrap, replacement ear cushions, and FREE battery
Perfect for travel
Great Sound Quality
The SYL-NCE745 Sylvania Noise Canceling Earphones, are the best valued Noise Reduction earphones on the market. These high quality earphones are the ulitmate in travel earphones. They come with built in neckstrap, carry pouch, airplane adaptor plug, extra ear cushion tips, and a free AA battery for immediate use.
This review is from: Sylvania SYL-NCE745 Noise Canceling Earphones (Black)
These headphones do not work if you want a noise canceling devise. They are great as regular headphones, they fit in the ear very nice too. They were just not what I wanted and I'm very disapointed especially when I payed $35....
This review is from: Sylvania SYL-NCE745 Noise Canceling Earphones (Black)
I liked these when I got them, and I still like them, I got them for 15 bucks at a Big lots this week for a trip to Boston (about 5 hours away). There was a school bus filled with 12 teenagers, and 2 st. benards...it was loud...So I put in the noise cancelling headphones, and bam everything was blocked (even before the music came on). Now for quality, they are great and crisp...however...I love rap, so I need deep bass, and they just don't cut it...Don't get me wrong, for Rock, and acoustic is great...I would recomend these to anyone who listened to pop, rock, and acoustic...But thats it...for rap, or any heavey bass bands (for rock it would be Skillet, Korn, Slipknot...etc...) It doesn't quite get it. But for a song like Sugarland- Stuck like glue. It's perfect. and good 3 and half stars...possibly Four....
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